

Pushes formatting to the current session.


Push-FormatData pushes formatting data into the current session.

The formatting data is defined in .Format.ps1xml files (such as those in the $pshome directory). Add-FormatData will take one or more XML documents containing format data and will create a temporary module to use the formatting file.



# Let's start off by looking at how something like XML is rendered in PowerShell
[xml]"<a an='anattribute'><b d='attribute'><c/></b></a>"

It’s not very intuitive.

I cannot really only see the element I am looking at, instead of a chunk of data

Create a quick view for any XML element.

Piping it into Out-FormatData will make one or more format views into a full format XML file

Piping the output of that into Add-FormatData will create a temporary module to hold the formatting data

There’s also a Remove-FormatData and

Write-FormatView -TypeName “System.Xml.XmlNode” -Wrap -Property “Xml” -VirtualProperty @{ “Xml” = { $strWrite = New-Object IO.StringWriter ([xml]$_.Outerxml).Save($strWrite) “$strWrite” } } | Out-FormatData | Push-FormatData

Now let’s take a look at how the xml renders


In case we want to go back to the original formatter, we can use Clear-FormatData to return

to the old formatting data


And we’re back to the original formatting




The Format XML Document. The XML document can be supplied directly, but it’s easier to use Write-FormatView to create it

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[XmlDocument] true 1 true (ByValue)


The name of the format module. If the name is not provided, the name of the module will be the first type name encountered. If no typename is encountered, the name of the module will be FormatModuleN, where N is the number of modules loaded so far

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[String] false 2 false


If set, the module that contains the format files will be outputted to the pipeline

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[Switch] false named false



Add-FormatData [-FormatXml] <XmlDocument> [[-Name] <String>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]